Augustine,Luxon and Calvyn are boys who walked from Zambia to Cape Town at the age of fourteen. they are currently living at the Multi Recreational Centre in Salt River where we do ministry work every Wednesday.

December 2010 there were nine boys who still needed to be placed for the holidays and Chris and Ursula Boonzaaier family decided to take into there homes these three boys aged between 14 and 17 years old. They enjoyed Christmas lunch with them and going into the New Year as well as other outings like a trip to the Farmyard, Movies, Swimming and the games Arcade. They enjoyed having the boys for the holidays getting to know them and their cultures. Augustine loves to learn and always willing to teach the younger boys what he knows, he also loves writing songs. Augustine has a real passion for God and knows if God can take him out where he was he can do anything.

Luxon is a very quiet person and does not talk much but has a very gentle spirit, he longs to go back home to his family in Zambia. Calvyn is a scout leader in Zambia, very creative person and loves training with the weights. He loves his Zambia "pap" and is very talkative and has lots of questions about everything and misses his sister very much.
Chris and Ursula was really blessed having the boys by them for the holidays and trust that there will be other opportunities to do it again.