Thursday, December 16, 2010

Servicing Your Vehicle On The Last Moment

I cannot believe how customers wake up on the last minute to service there vehicles, i think i can write a book with all the sly ways they want to get squeezed in.

Let me give you some tips how not to wait on the last minute to service your vehicle:
Tip 1 : Make a booking way ahead of time, i do believe that is what you have to do if you booking
accommodation especially this time of year.

Tip 2 : Make sure your tyres are in good condition and you do not have to go to the Agents to
have new ones fitted because they will take it to for eg. Tiger Wheel and charge you a
mark up on the price.

Tip 3 : If you have a maintenance plan on your vehicle and something is wrong with your vehicle
don't wait till your service is due, take advantage of you plan and use it.

If your vehicle is towed into a company because it broke down, please don't expect any answer on your vehicle the same day as other vehicles was booked and have to be attended to first and if they do get to your car the same day it is a bonus. Please be patient as the workshop tries to make every customer happy especially this time of year where without your transport you cannot enjoy your holiday.

I remember one customer phoned in when we were fully booked for two weeks and wanted his car serviced on the Saturday and finish by twelve. Now the problem with this is of course we don't work on Saturday, and the other is the demanding way it was told to us. So the next time you go and make an appointment for your vehicle, please be considerate as we take alot from customers everyday and have to take it in with a smile. :)

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